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Old 04/05/2004, 11:17 AM
justasfastasican justasfastasican is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin
Posts: 47
Hmmmmmm...I dont know why you would want to do this, and I thinks bad idea......I am affraid you have opened yourself up here, but I have a few suggestions-maybe you could find some info on tide pool creatures, or try to keep some very tiny stuff like a bio globe sorta- mostly suff like you would find on live rock-very small snails,copods,bristle worms,feather dusting worms, common brown buttons, tiny stars. Anything that make it here on live rock is pretty hardy. I have a small anemone I found warfing in Port Aransas that I have had for 4 years or so, I was still learning when I got it and now I believe this little thing is indestructable. Gulf hermits are also very hard to kill, but they get large. Anything you keep you will have to feed and food will muck up a set up like that real quick, I would try to make it a self sufficient cycle if you can with rock grazers. Anything is worth a shot if that is really what you want to spend your time on but you have to know that a situation like that isnt ever gooing to be ok for most things esspecially for the long term. I may go to the coast in the next couple of weeks if you are interested in one of those anemones let me know and I will try to find one.