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Old 03/01/2004, 12:52 PM
ozadars ozadars is offline
Kurshat loves Absolut!
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Originally posted by friendtothefish
and when i say this, in no means am I trying to be rude,,
but, man people on here are very stern, protective,and kinda scary, i always get opposite info from here, thank when i go talk to a service guy or a LFS, or even the warehouse i get my fish form!?!?
its because they want your money and want you to buy their fish so they act very polite and tell some lies. We cant call lies what lfs says to you actually as most of them dont even know the truth. However, we say you the truth w/o taking any money and we also spend our times, all we want is you to keep some "healthy" fish and thats all, we are not also rude at all just saying something that you would not like to hear but these are truths and these fish are not suitable for a small tank. A dwarf angel is colorful and will fit into a 40gal tank so why would you put a giant fish in a small tank?
Selim Özadar

Names of some Mediterranean fish;Chromis chromis, Conger conger, Anthias anthias, Phycis phycis, Hippocampus hippocampus, Boops boops, Dentex dentex, Pagrus pagrus, Sphyraena sphyraena