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Old 02/26/2004, 01:18 PM
Acrylics Acrylics is offline
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Originally posted by Eryl Flynn
Hi Acrylic, my question may have got overshadowed by the bubble problem. I was wondering about building a sump into my stand and using the stand it self as the jig so to speak. Not worried about it becoming a permanent part of the stand just want to maximize the space used.
I wouldn't recommend it, as Shoestring pointed out - it's best to have thejoints being horizontal. If they are vertical, gravity (it's the law) takes over and the solvent runs down creating weak joints. Plus if built in the stand, you can flip it over or around or route edges, etc.

Originally posted by drock59
So im thinking of building a sump and i need very clear directions of "the pins method." I have done several searches on this and find bits and peices but have yet to find a comprehensive outline of what to do.
Don't mean to make ya search some more but it was posted by Zephrant (for search criterion) and was posted several months (maybe a year ago)

Originally posted by Fishkiller63
I always get so much ooze. About how long do you wait to pull them?
It's going to depend on many factors; type of material, thickness, material temp, ambient air temp, dia of wire, type of solvent, etc., but rarely longer than 30 seconds, 15 seconds being about the average. It's more of a "feel" thing rather than using a stopwatch
