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Old 09/10/2001, 08:57 PM
rshimek rshimek is offline
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Originally posted by tres
Hi Tres,

Dr. Ron, is it true that with the physiological similarities between anemonies and reef building corals, corals need much more than lighting to grow?

Of course, even under the best of lighting conditions corals require either feeding (on macro or micro plankton) or dissolved nutrients grow. Most appear to get the raw materials for growth from feeding, while much of their day to day energy needs are met zoox. Unlike anemones, zoox also facilitate the deposition of skeleton, so corals generally need a lot more light than to the anemones, however they also need a lot of food.

Would you go so far as to say that intense lighting could drop down a notch or two on a scale of importance and feeding could move up?

I would say feeding and lighting should be about equivalent in importance. One provides the energy, the other the materials for growth.

I've wondered about people saying they have corals growing under what many would consider to be sub-par (pun intended) lighting conditions. Maybe they're meeting the corals nutritional needs more through feeding. Am I all wet here?

No you are not "all wet." Probably you are right on target.