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Old 09/08/2001, 01:34 PM
mengerin mengerin is offline
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I'm all for feeding; I'm a Mom, I feed everything impartially and probably sometimes more than is good for them The kids, their friends, my husband, my cat, stray dogs and my tanks. If feeding them is all it takes to keep anemones alive, boy howdy, I'll be the first one doing the happy dance but I still feel you have to view the situation with an eye to conservation.
That's the whole point that Ron's been trying to make. Feeding is all that it takes to keep anemones alive. According to Ron in this thread, do your happy dance. That's precisely why I felt you were missing what Ron was saying. I don't understand what angle you're coming from if you don't agree with his assertion.

I'd also like to see some hard and fast research that backs it up but I know that all takes time. probably more time that most anemones are allotted in captivity.
I'll let Ron address this point.

Give a man a fish and you control the supply.
Teach a man to fish and he'll take a species to extinction.