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Old 10/24/2003, 10:21 AM
wooglin wooglin is offline
Mine is 48", and yours?
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 2,054
I dont like the fiji. It just seems like dead rock with coraline algea on it. Dont get me wrong, if you cover it in expensive corals it will eventually look very pretty, but that is not what I am going for. I want a natural environment with worms, crabs, pods and other stuff. My tank will outlive the mantis if I never catch him.
75 Gallon AGA RR, 20 Gallon Sump
2x250MH and 2x110 VHO Actinic03
4 Black Ocellaris Clowns
Arc Eye Hawk
Engineer Goby
Clown Goby
Mandarin Goby
Green Chromis
Yellow Tail Damsel