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Old 09/18/2003, 10:25 AM
Puterguru Puterguru is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Florida - Citrus County
Posts: 248
Originally posted by Champion Lighting & Supply
< asked How I was supposed
to suspend my lights and was told to use chain. I happen to have 1 set of cables from an old Aquastar
light and thought I could get 1 hung The way I wanted it. I was to find out they were different holes,
1 standard 1 metric. I was disgusted and called again to ask why I was not informed from the>
The interesting part or this is that it was YOUR idea to use the cables from a diffenet manufacturer to suspend the
pendants. Sounded like a good idea to me when you presented it.
However, when you called to vehemently complain that " I was not told that I might have to adapt a differnet manufacturers product" you did lose us.
If you undertake a do it yourself project, one would expect that there might be some minor glitch. In this case it was the need to slightly widen an existing hole.
Mea culpa for not telling you.
2 units were sent and 1 is still on backorder from the manufacturer.
We offered several times to refund your money for the unit, and also to take back the 2 other pieces.
What else can we do ?
As for Tony case there is any other questions on his problem, he placed an order on line giving 727-555-1212 as his contact #. Couldn't understand why we wouldn't honor his order.
What's even stranger is why he ever ordered from us ( this was his 1st) , when he has made numerous postings in the past slamming our company...couldn;t be a set up, could it ?
This is a character who has been banned from more than 1 Florida store for his rude behavior.
He is also spamming people on a previous thread that defended champion...
Then again, maybe you have discovered the truth...Champion has spent the last 15 years in the business cheating, misleading, stealing from our customers.
I am the first to admit when a mistake occurs, and they occasionaly do. No business could state otherwise.
What you failed to mention is the fact that he recieved errors when trying to email your company. Others tried also and received the same error. You then came here and accused all of us as fakeing those errors.
Don't make accusations - If you have proof he is slaming you then point us to those threads.
If you have proof that he is spamming people from a previous thread then show us.
Also if a VALID PHONE # IS required by your site to make any purchaes - you may want to point this out before people ORDER FROM YOU. I do not like to give out my phone # either and it should not be required to make purchases.


Go hang a salami im a lasagna hoG