Thread: Vortech Owners
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Old 01/11/2008, 09:10 PM
DarG DarG is offline
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Originally posted by GSMguy
my 36x18x18g 50g has 1 vortech and a nice 1 inch wave. i think for a real nice wave in a 90g 2 would be better but one will work.
GSM, is yours noisy like sjm describes?
Not doubting your experience sjm, but I am doubting that much noise being normal for these pumps. I cant hear anything from the inner part and just a slight buzz/hum from the motor. No tank vibrations. It sits right near my skimmer and two aquabee recirc pumps and the aquabees completely drown out the sound of the Vortec motor. Either I got an unusually quiet one or earlier ones were much noisier or they had a bunch of loud ones that they didnt want to take care of.

Does worry me a little though because if it gets as loud as you describe with time, it will be a problem.