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Old 01/11/2008, 05:36 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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ATI Blue Plus Ice Cap
UVL Aquasun Normally driven
UVL Super Actinic 36" Ice Cap
ATI Aquablue Ice Cap driven
ATI Blue Plus Normally Driven

Originally posted by lark
I think my last post was too long, so I'm going to try again with the hope that someone can help with bulb ideas.

48" (icecap driven, 85w)
48" (icecap driven, 85w)
36" (icecap driven, 60w)
48" (regular ballast, 54w)
48" (regular ballast, 54w)

I could also reverse this -- put the icecap on the back three bulbs and the regular ballast on the front two.

48" tank, 21" deep.

Thanks much in advance.
Ok, new variation on same theme. Looking for advice on a 5-bulb set up. 48" tank, about 20" deep.

My 660 pooped out and is being repaired. I bought a 4x54 retro kit from reefgeek and installed last night, with the expectation of adding the 660 back to drive two vho actinics to complement t5s. That's a no go. Not enough room in the canopy. The tek reflectors are a bit wider than I expected. I have room for five t5 bulbs with reflectors max. The middle, or third, bulb, will have to be 36" to accomodate two fans I have on the inside of the canopy. So, 4x48" and 1x36", with the 36" in the middle.

What I plan to do is swap out one of the ballasts with the 660 when it comes back, so that I'll have one regular ballast driving 2x54w, and the icecap driving (overdriving) two of the 48 inch bulbs and the 36 inch bulb.

Any suggestions on how to set this up and what bulbs to use? To avoid to much wiring insanity, I think I'd like to keep the three overdriven bulbs on the icecap next to one another -- so the 36" middle bulb and either the two 48" in front or two in back. So, the two possibilities are:

48" -- icecap
48 -- icecap
36 -- icecap
48 -- reg. ballast
48 -- reg. ballast

Or the reverse:

48 -- regular ballast
48 -- reg. ballast
36 -- icecap
48 -- icecap
48 -- icecap

Thanks in advance.
Grim tells it like it is.
Last year the SEC was the strongest conference but overrated. This year they were just overrated.