Thread: baby bengais!
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Old 01/11/2008, 04:59 PM
tibbs2 tibbs2 is offline
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Originally posted by Torpus
Okay a bunch of accumulated questions!

If I don't seperate any of them apart, what are the chances that any of the babies live?

The only urchin we have lives permanently in a cave during the day and then comes out at night usually, its an albino urchin rock boring not a diadema, so the spines aren't super long....would the fry somehow find the urchin? and if so would the spines be long enough? they are about an inch or so long

will the male bengai sacrifice himself to carry eggs? He will eat the eggs if he is starving right? Cause I don't really feed the tank that frequently, its already been probably almost a week since I fed last, and if hes not gonna eat until the fry leave his month, he wouldn't have eaten for about a month....

also, what type of phyto should i enrich the brine shrimp with?

We have a breeder plastic cube deal
the holes in the breeder aren't even a millimeter wide so im assuming they couldn't escape the clear box. Should I seperate the male and put him in here? Or make a toothpick urchin and somehow get the fry into the box later?
How about using bamboo skewers for your homemade urchin. They are just about the right length of a real diadema.