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Old 01/11/2008, 02:05 PM
JennyL JennyL is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 245
Originally posted by samtheman
I think my reefing skills are quite good. What does that have to do with this responsibility I supposedly have? What do you think feeder fish are for? Pest anemone are routinely killed. Let’s hang everyone who feeds animals whether dead or alive. This goes for angle worms while fishing and fish eggs in caviar.
Does my "responsibility" extend to chickens, pigs, and cows?
IF I am going to act responsibly, I need to understand what the rules are. Please fill me in.
This is bordering on the absurd. It's become quite obvious you are just wanting to stir up emotions and argue.
Seems any further attempt at reasonable discussion with you on responsible reef keeping would be a waste of time.