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Old 01/11/2008, 12:46 PM
GreshamH GreshamH is offline
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Originally posted by myerst2
I think it's horrible that diver's dying. I have to admit that these divers know the risk involved in the work and probally get paid well for this difficult skill. Deep divers in these areas do it because it's probally the best way for them to make a good income. People die because all sorts of work related incidents. Fisherman who go crabing and other longshoreman die all the time because of their work. We don't boycott crabs. A diver could die in a foot of water if he steps on a venomous fish. It's sad to see any person die, but it comes with the territory. Tim
Yup, and the crabbers and longshormens families are duly compensated for the loss of life. Furthermore, the families have a law system built to help them in the case. Such is not true for 99% of MO divers world wide. They do not have access to first world legal systems. They have no real voice in government in most cases.

Some of these divers are held against their will. Exporters lure them in with promises they never deliver on and nab thier passports so they can't leave. Some places lock the workers in the export compound.

Only gringos don't look before they step. The locals know far better and don't just jump out of the boat unto patches of urchins
Feeding your polyp at a time