Thread: Kalk question
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Old 01/11/2008, 10:54 AM
NanoReefWanabe NanoReefWanabe is offline
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thanx Randy...that is exactly what i was going to do...

i seems funny but when i use the calculators it tells me to use about 30ml of calcium solution, which just doesnt seem to do anything to the cal level in the tank...

i have both those pages bookmarked from long ago...

my mag is at 1400ppm also...i have never seen any precipitate in the water....upon dosing....but my heater does get crusted over every month or so...

i try to maintain the cal at 420 and alk at 12...or 200ppm and mag at or around 1400 (my elos kit only measures in i would rather err to the high side then too low and cloud my tank...)

i am doing a water change next week...when the interceptor gets i will wait until then to do any more limewater...after that water change i should be redbug free, phosphate free, hopefully nitrate free, and maybe even worry free about adding Kalk...
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