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Old 01/11/2008, 08:47 AM
Tasiamay Tasiamay is offline
Registered Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 369
JMCAquarium & Aunte ---Kenya Tree frags (4) Free for newbs
Bowshock ---1 kenya tree
Mr.DT --- 1 Kenya Tree
Small Pulsing Xenia mounted --- Given to Brian
Large Pulsing Xenia mounted ---Given to BajaBum
Green Elk horn frag (1) $5.00
Elkhorn #1 $5.00 --- JasonH
Thick lip paly's (1) $5.00 --- Mr. DT
Topics: Sand biology, Protein skimmers and thier use and purpose, Types of corals and how to care for them.

Bajabum: Multiple frags & reefstew.
Topic: What is important, can go anywhere with that.

JeffKirk (maybe)------Frogspawn if mounted in time for meeting $ ?
Xenia $ ?

Chiahead --To new, no frags

Jasonh-- Free Skimmer !!! (PM for Deatails)

kgouso----To new, To Frag ....(that Newb thing ya know)
Topic: Coral Groups and Identifiers (and potentail dangers to Fish and/or other corals)

Goon--- To new, To Frag But has $$$

Y-DesygnGuy---Zoa frags and has $$

osprey3883---To new, To Frag

Bowshock---To new, To Frag

maxfam--- To New, To Frag

mr dt--- No frags, But has $$$

racecaraz --- To New, To Frag

Ron1955--- To New, To Frag


Helfrich’s Chic---I will have a frag or 2 for sale, name tags

Kirsten---a maybe with frags for trade or sale

shramj---I will have some frags to sell/trade

nate487--- Frag of RPE's ...or maybe not anymore

SharkbaitNC--- I will be bringing various frags for sale or trade
and some freebies!

Red Sox Fan --- I will be bringing various frags for sale or trade
and some freebies!

Buffalobunch and Mr. Buffalobunch and maybe the 3 spider monkies!!--- I will be bringing various frags for sale or trade, some freebies and a special something that ya'll are gonna want!!

tropoasis --- Raffle and various frags for sale or trad

ZMAN7000--- Will see if I have anything to bring...

Kristin -- I'll probably be bringing some zoos (if the rock they are on cooperates) & maybe some SPS
The more people I meet, the more I like my dogs ...
