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Old 01/11/2008, 08:46 AM
paulamrein paulamrein is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: St. Peters MO
Posts: 307
Last night was a night for firsts for me

Well I experienced my first leak. The bulk head directly on the sump sprung a leak while I was trying to quite down my pump. Sprang like a little baby boy I was able to get it down to a trickle before I had to call fade and him tell me how to do it. So while I was draining the sump to get some insulation under it to quite it down. I got my first sting from a bristle worm. Didn't get me too bad but I definitely felt it. I'll be less likely to just grab the chaeto like that again. No leaks now and I still have all my fingers so, I guess I chalk it up as a win.
"They" are those that think of themselves as those who know. But, it's as plain as the nose on those who know those no-knowing "those" they do not know, they only suppose.