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Old 01/10/2008, 12:08 PM
mr294 mr294 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Richmond, VA
Posts: 2,031
Just a quick update on things for those who were wondering…

I placed an order from underwater warehouse (I wouldn’t advise anyone to do the same) for some adhesive background and finally received that after over a month of waiting. It looks like a great alternative to painting, but the adhesive was a rather poor decision in my situation. I don’t have as much space between the tank and the wall as I thought, and I don’t feel entirely comfortable using soapy water to apply it on a rimless tank. So long story short I’ve decided to just go ahead and paint the back. Probably going to knock that out this weekend.

Added a trio of really great looking sunburst anthias (S. latus) that I picked up at the LFS. These guys look much better than the pair I tried many years ago in my 75, and unlike their predecessors these were out and eating anything I offered within 48 hours. Definitely worth the wait.

Vacuumed out all the sand in the tank, and I’m temporarily running bare bottom again to see if I can get over the acrylic bracing around the lower edge. If I can’t get over the way it looks, I’m going to be adding a smaller grain sand back in purely for aesthetics. Bare bottom is hard to beat for flow and ease of maintenance, but I do like the look of a nice white sandbed.

Got the Tunze 6055 running on its temporary controller (thanks again Anthony) and I’m pretty impressed with the water it moves for its size. Definitely seems stronger to me than a modded 6025. A little noisier than I was expecting, but it has quieted down over the last week (a trend that I’m hoping continues).

Replumbed the sump in anticipation of the new skimmer that should be arriving today. I hope to have some pics and a review once I get it set up and running. Overall I’m pretty pleased with the way things are slowly but surely coming along.