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Old 01/10/2008, 10:35 AM
Sk8r Sk8r is offline
Team RC Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Spokane WA
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There is a tiny [under one half inch] snail called a dove snail which is a very good thing for your tank: it has a unique trick of using a rappel line to descend from rock to rock, like spider silk, and they are tiny, so they get into places other snails can't go: this, though cone-shaped, is not a cone snail.

Cones you might see would be about the size of a fighting conch, smooth, patterned shell.

Alas, we cannot have most of the wide range of really pretty-shelled creatures. Most that we can keep safely are colored like rocks, because that's where they live and eat: nature's camo. The only relief from this monotony that we commonly have is the nassarius, which should be pure white or maybe a very pale band or two. Don't buy brown nassarius: I don't know where they're getting them, but there are some false nassarius going around---gotten from ebay, as I understand.

"Make haste slowly." ---Augustus.

"If anything CAN go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible moment."---St. Murphy.