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Old 01/10/2008, 08:48 AM
ReefTECK ReefTECK is offline
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Posts: 114
The reason for me is simple... 15 day guarantee. The LFS in my area don't provide this.
I think this is what makes QT a feasible, even profitable endeavor for LFS stores who do it right. You can add value to your fish, and quality to your store, as well as confidence that the guarantee you can now offer you clients isn't going to come back and bite you in the ***!

I mean, an observational QT would be favorable for any small business importing new exotics, and a sub sequential disease/treatment QT can be set up for fishes that are affected, much like what has been described above. The fish in the observational QT could still be offered for sale, minus the guarantee, and guarantees could be offered as an attachment of value for all of those past that phase, even if just a shot one.

Additionally I've seen places offer an extended guarantee for an additional 5-10% which most people will consider depending on the investment.

So to blasphemies the idea based on its economic feasibility is ridiculous. I know that the MAC certification hasn't really gained wind in America as much as they thought it would, but it's really the same principal, and we should value endeavors like this because they're better for us, it's better for the fish, and it can be better for the LFS too!

But I will have to agree, IT IS YOUR JOB AS A HOBBYIST TO QT. and really, nobody else's responsibility. If your tank gets nuked, it's on you buddy!
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