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Old 01/10/2008, 03:24 AM
waxy waxy is offline
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Originally posted by tonggao
Waxy, my hippo and mystery went into the new tank at the same time. The hippo is so much bigger, it can afford to bully everybody in the tank. What I could not figure out is somebody in the tank was biting off little pieces from the hippo's tail at the same time.
That is very unusual for a Tangs tail to be torn or bitten off. Most tangs as I recall, have spikes that protrude as a defensive mechanism. Ive seen my Sohal do it once on a Kole Tang I had before, its almost as big as my fingernail.

Wrasses and Tangs in my experience, never fought and I had a large variety of tangs and wrasses.

Could it be your tank has coodies?

Please describe the condition of the tail, torn? rotting? flesh wounds? deterioration? bleeding?

It should be bleeding, at the same time torn. If it were to be bitten by something.

How big is the wrasse vs the tang?