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Old 01/10/2008, 02:48 AM
wayne in norway wayne in norway is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Stavanger, Norway
Posts: 657
Sorry for the delay in replying. You could try reseeding with Prodibio or an equivalent or , and this would be my preference, replace some live rock. I say it's my preference because I belive that the prodibio product and the similar Fauna Marin product claim to provide cultures of 5 bacteria, and I thik the exact bacteria needed/provided is still open to question. At least with some decent quality live rock you are getting a better, wider variety of bacteria. In response I know of people who use these bottled cultures very, very successfully to avoid bacterial monoculture so who am I to doubt the professional companies work.

I tihnk one of the reasons tanks that have been plagued with algae for a long time take a long time to recover is that people kill back algae and wait for the bacteria to take over, howwever the bacteria are long gone.