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Old 01/10/2008, 02:36 AM
Hormigaquatica Hormigaquatica is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Columbus, OH
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Originally posted by Sydney Stahl
Do you mean as carry on luggage or as checked luggage? What about the screening of checked luggage?Will they open the box to inspect and then not allow the package to be sent? I couldn't bear the thought of my poor ponies and my baby cowfish ending up sitting in some corner of a warehouse as rejected shipping items
Sorry, I mean checked luggage- Id be surprised if they would allow you to bring that kind of package as a carry on.

The airports do indeed check a lot of your checked luggage- but not all of it. We get boxes all the time that are closed up with airport security tape, but never any damage to the bags inside. Just use clear bags so they can see whats in there without popping them open.

One thing to keep in mind- you really need to check into whether or not you need shipping permits since its 'livestock'. I know all living things that are shipped into the US must have a permit- Im sure Brazil has some kind of similar requirements, especially since it has a lot of unique natural resources to protect.
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