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Old 01/09/2008, 09:14 PM
jcpatella jcpatella is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: New Orleans, LA
Posts: 699
Hello Everyone. Let's make sure we have everything together....

New Corals? Check.
Baking Soda? Check.
Garlic Extract? Check.
Pretty Lady? Double Check.
Apron? CHECK!!!!
Lucky Guy? Check!

Okay, now we can proceed. Thanks to my local online buddy, crt81, we were informed that our LFS received a shipment of corals in today. Jackie headed over there on her lunch break and saw the two things we picked up today. Yes, just two things. Exotic mushrooms and colorful zoas. I would like to get more, but I would also like to be able to pay my mortgage. Here what they looked like in the transition bucket.

Rough, as they usually do before they get into the tank. After a little bit, I transferred them into the tank. This is me being cheesy. Unfortunately, it happens more than I'd like to admit (the cheesyness and the hand in the tank).

A little while later, and this is what we have. Of course, they'll open up as time goes on, but they really are beautiful.

Fluorescent blue mushrooms with a red attached. That light blue is very pretty and I've never seen it before.

Green and orange zoas. If any of you remember from another thread, my wife and I bent over backwards to try and save a zoa that hitch-hiked on the rock our xenia was attached to. This made up for the loss.

Like I said - I would like to get more, but I didn't want to break the bank today. Those two corals were a bit pricey (for me, at least).

Now, I know what you're thinking, and NO, you haven't been let down. I wanted to get this part done so we can get to the fun part soon. After dinner we'll have the main event. Maybe I'm building this up too much. OH WELL!
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