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Old 01/09/2008, 07:25 PM
edwardlmarshall edwardlmarshall is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 236
The link the Spike provided is a great place to start. All you really need is a small tank with some sort of hang-on, canister, or integrated filtration, a light source, and a heater. The sponge filter that comes with most such devices can be placed in your main tank or sump for 3-4 weeks to develop the necessary biological filtration capacity. Then, when you acquire a new fish, you just return the sponge to the QT and your QT is instantly cycled. After a 2-4 week quarantine, you can sterilize the sponge and return it to your main tank or sump, drain and clean the QT, and you'll be ready to go the next time you want to introduce a fish.

This also means you have a ready, cycled place to put your livestock should something go terribly wrong with your main tank. It's a win-win.