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Old 01/09/2008, 06:58 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: May 2005
Location: michigan
Posts: 217
Originally posted by spazz
was this a single piece top or was it strips of acrlic that were glued together to make a top? alot of tops that are built with strips have this problem. i would take the tank back to the guy who built it and demand that he fix it. its not that old of a tank and he should have a least a 1 year warrantee on the tank. if he is a fly by night builder he wont warrantee the tank and you will be forced to have it repaird at another acrylic shop that may charge you more than its worth to repair it.
this is why its better to spend the mopney to have a tank built with a single piece top on it. you may save a little money having it braced with strips but if the person who built the tank does not have a clue how to reinforce the bracing it will break like that tank did.
im sorry to hear about your problems. it sucks when things like this happen. the problem is that people say they know how to properly build a tank and then dont properly brace the top and that results in the tank bursting or the panels bowing out.
how thick is th acrylic in that tank? is it 1/2" or 3/4" it looks really thin but it hard to tell in the pictures.
its 3/4" yeah it was it strips on the top.