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Old 01/09/2008, 06:57 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: columbus, ohio
Posts: 3,916
Pictures of the tank after the move.

Its ALSO the tanks 2 yr aniversary sans 8 days

far right side. clowns are a little mad, I totally ruined a batch of eggs while moving

heres my gbta. theres 2, they just split a week ago or so. 1 is wrapped completely under a rock having issues. the other one has been on that same rock for 3 moves strait lol

middle tank

far left

far right

gobies, havent seen either pistol shrimp yet

sump/fuge.. cramped zone

everyones doing nicely. I realised I lost a cleaner shrimp somewhere, I never even caught him, he must have got stuck in a rock. not sure. small loss for so much stuff though.\

the radiant purple looks fantastic shining out the front windows lol

I love having the tank in the kitchen, no carpet to worry about.

time to finally relax!!
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence. ~Henrik Tikkanen

-Had to find some higher ground, had some fear to get around-