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Old 01/09/2008, 06:33 PM
Tennyson Tennyson is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 86
Question Where'd my Green Chromis Go?

I had a young green chromis, along with four others in a 46 gallon tank. And about half an hour later, it was missing! It was the most unhealthy one, but still in pretty good shape. It just had a little white spot or something bad on its side.

I think it might have gotten eaten, or it could have died and gotten eaten, because I tested if the water was bad and there was nothing, and it all smelled OK.

The invertebrates in my tank that could have eaten it are...
-1 7 inch wide Haitin Reef Anemone
-Serpent Starfish

I think it could have been the serpent star because I saw it chewing on something, but I read that they aren't dangerous, could it have gotten it if it died?