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Old 01/09/2008, 05:21 PM
Serioussnaps Serioussnaps is offline
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One thing with finicky fish is having them around other fish to let them see them eat. Almost like a monkey see monkey do situation. This can be a two edged sword as aggressive eaters may hinder them from eating, but this is to be determined by the owner whom knows the tendencies of his other fish.

I prefer to not QT delicate fish as QT can in some cases stress them out more than really necessary and the risk outweighs the benefits, but this is just my perspective and it differs greatly with many others in this thread so take what you want from it.

I really do however believe if he sees other fish taking prepared foods with gusto it will really help. As said it may never learn to eat from the water column prepared foods, but being around others that do may illicit that particular feeding response.

I personally believe its time to pull him from QT and give it a shot before he starves to death in QT.