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Old 01/09/2008, 11:58 AM
impur impur is offline
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Originally posted by Sudad
Try to increase your alk (KH about 8-9 dH°) and try to hold pH between 8,2-8,4 to stop the massive grow of cyano.

The other water parameters should be at correct level.

Then clean your rocks and substrate and dose Biodigest (1 Ampulle for 500 Liters) and Bioptim (1 Ampulle for 200 Liter).
Dose it at night, when lights are switched off to have an advantage against the cyanos. Let the skimmer abaout 1 hour off after the dosing.

Repaet this treatment after a week again. The cyanos should be gone after 2 Weeks.

Control your NO3 and PO4. If NO3 is zero and PO4 is high, reduce the PO4 at first or increas NO3 a little. Some cyanos comes when NO3 is too low instead of PO4.

If all parameters are correct and it would not be better after 3 weeks it could be, that you haven't cyanos.
You have maybe dinoflagellates. These similar like cyanos looking algae have an unbelievable expanding facility and could destroy a tank within few days.

But these dinoflagellates are easy to control by increasing pH to an high level about 8,5-8,6 with the "kalkwasser" method.

About correct pH I should say, that many algae problems could be solved by holding the pH at correct level about 8,2-8,4.

Especially if you dose bacteria products like Prodibio etc. you should hold pH above 8,0 and KH above 6-7 dH°. Because the bacterias produce much CO2 and reduce the pH and alk-level.

I wish you good luck!

Thanks for your reply.

Currently i maintain alk at 9dKH, and my pH goes from a low at night of 8.1 to a high of 8.4 during the day using kalk. The higher my alk, the thicker the cyano. So i'm trying to maintain it at the low end, but still keep my corals healthy.

This morning tests:

pH 8.1
alk - 9dKH
calcium - 420ppm
nitrates - 0ppm
nitrites - 0ppm
ammonia - 0ppm
PO4 - 0ppm
temp - 79.8

I'm sure this is cyano, and not dinos. As i stated above, i had both at the same time for a period but the dinos have gone away. I am assuming my problem is PO4, regardless of the result from my test kit. But i have no idea where it would be coming from. These rocks are over 3 years old in my tanks, i would think any PO4 would have been release prior to this.

I will give the prodibio dosing another shot as you outlined and report back in a few weeks.

Thanks again.
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