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Old 01/09/2008, 01:36 AM
Norward Norward is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Little Rock
Posts: 200
In response to the original post: I float the bag in the tank for a few minutes to match the water temperature, then I either put small amounts of tank water in the bag or pour the bag into a separate container and add small amounts of tank water to the container. I do this over the course of 30' to an hour and then remove the fish into a net and place it into the tank. It doesn't matter who you know or what they can do for you after the fact, risking introduction of something bad into the tank is not worth ignoring something as simple as placing a fish or invert into your tank without the water! Note: After having introduced ich into my tank last year with my fourth (second addition) fish, I now QT all new additions. Oh, and try to avoid putting more that a fish or two in at a time. Good Luck!