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Old 01/09/2008, 12:03 AM
capn_hylinur capn_hylinur is offline
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Originally posted by dileggi

As for flow, my rate is approx 716...almost 25%. I know I'm on the lower side of that rule of thumb, but I'm afraid going with a larger power head will cause a lot of "stuff" being blown around..meaning corals and so forth.

I'll try leaving it alone for a few days...if I can stand it, LOL and see what happens.

thanks again! [/B]
the corals will love the increased flow--I just added another korila 4 today--bringing the flow up to 40 times tank volumn in gph. The corals are loving it---esp xenia and torch coral, the elegance, toad stool mushroom, and goniporia.
My three tangs love it--they drift with the flow and then swim back through it --all day
The only thing that doesn't like it is a rose anenome--which I can't figure out

If you the leave the algae for two or three days--cut down on the flake a little---you will notice it takes alot more time to grow back on the glass--and you will get to the point where a dozen or so turbos will take care of it for you.
"evrr bean to sea Billy--evrr smelled a fish?" "Aye capn..experience is the best teacher"