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Old 01/08/2008, 10:40 PM
mmasuda31 mmasuda31 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 25
reef newbie help

I had to teardown my tank as a result of a terror in the form of a damsel, he killed my clown fish. I take responsibility for this as damsels apparently can be very territorial.

Anyhow, I just added a frogspawn coral a few days ago and purple mushroom coral, although thhy seem okay through this tear down, removing rocks kicked up alot of sand and churned alot as well i assume. Are there any spikes in readings that I should be looking out for?

I had to move alot of rock around and basically reaquascape everything, I dont have a hospital tank yet and the corals must remain in my main tank.

Am I over reacting to all this, or should I be concerned?

Thanks for all your help guys!