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Old 01/08/2008, 08:57 PM
islandcreation islandcreation is offline
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Pokerstar and supergirl montipora HELP

My local fishstore manager was exicited this morning and called me about three frags of supergirl montipora. I was exicitied thinking it would be a reverse of the superman (I don't know why I thought that when I never seen a super girl). When I got there I told him those were pokerstars not super girls. Then again I said I never seen a super girl but my thinking it would be blue and red (superman is blue and red, and wasn't super girl the same?). Anyways, if anyone can tell me the diffrence or has any pictures it would be educational for me and my local fish store. Thanks

Oh, yeah anyone has pics of a rainbow montipora? Thats another one that I have never seen that could be close to these...