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Old 01/08/2008, 06:53 PM
mdbrit mdbrit is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Maryland
Posts: 63
I saw that sump/fuge, it looks pretty good.
I am doing a hang-on fuge at the moment and the stuff grows like crazy, so I'm sure it's a good idea.
My tank deal was dependent upon getting the megaflow, so at least for the time being I don't have that option. My budget has already sky-rocketed, even with the original deal.
I ordered a 6x39w Tek light by sunlight supply today. It seemed like the best overall fit. I really like the MH shimmer, but the heat and running costs put me off. Also, I like how you can play with the lamp combo's to get the coloration you like.
I just have to work out the plumbing I think and then I'll get the Eheim, but the 1250, I'm sure it's enough flow.
A PS I need to decide upon still.
Oh, also got a new RO/DI system from filterguys as my old ebay one needs an upgrade. Now I'll have auto-shut off (I can never remember) PSI meter, TDS meter, etc.
I also want to get going with ordering some shelf live-rock as the tank's tall and I want lots of levels/caves etc.
Shame I have to go to work each day, it's most inconvenient to my reef building! My clowns are going to love their new home though.