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Old 01/08/2008, 06:49 PM
FlamesFan FlamesFan is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Calgary Alberta Canada
Posts: 76
Next on the agenda to build in the next week or two is going to be my sump/refugium.

Here's what I came up with

I figure it should work ok, a T would feed about 25% of the water flow through the refugium. I guess questions that are still in the air would be, how thick of acrylic do I need? The dimensions are going to be around 36" long, 18" wide, 18" tall. I hope thats a big enough sump for a 90g. The refugium side will also be about 2/3 of the total length, as long as there's no minimum requirements for skimmer and return sections. Does anyone have a similar setup or could anyone offer some changes to my current design to improve?