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Old 01/08/2008, 06:42 PM
impur impur is offline
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Prodibio lead to cyano??

This is just a question regarding this product.

I have been battling cyano for about 6 months now. I have had the same rock and sand for the past 3+ years. I had cyano when i started my first tank 3+ years ago, but it went away as the tank cycled.

This time it started when i put my CA reactor online, which drove down the pH of the tank to the mid 7s due to excess CO2 in the house coupled with the lower pH from the reactor. At the same time, I started dosing prodibio to try and deal with some red turf algae that was covering much of my rocks and growing quickly. The pH was in the mid 7s for about 2-3 days, i lost some SPS and my zoas all closed up. No effect on fish or LPS/softies.

I remedied that by bringing outside air into my skimmer, removing the CA reactor, and using kalk in my topoff. I dosed the prodibio for a total of 3 doses. Unfortunately, to compound the problem, I was given some incorrect info on dosage and overdosed. My fault there for not researching more.

6 months later and my tank is a cyano bacteria lovers dream. It grows on my pumps, tank walls, inside plumbing, rocks, sand, corals...everwhere. Daily i blast the rocks and corals with the baster. I added mesh bags to my overflows that are cleaned every couple days. I changed all the RO filters. Added phoslock and carbon. I scrub the walls clean every couple days, remove rock and scrub it clean, and syphon the sand once a week during a weekly large WC. I've changed salts, foods, lights, photoperiod, turned lights off for 3 days, changed pumps, increased skimmer performance, added 2 skimmers, raised pH, and tried chemiclean.

Could the bacteria that is in the prodibio product feed differently than the normal bacteria that is present in our tanks? Could it not be feeding on whatever it is that cyano feeds on? I'm trying to get to the bottom of my cyano problem, but just keep hitting dead ends. I have been reading about experiences with prodibio this week, and I notice that its pretty common to hear complaints about cyano with this product.

I'm at such a loss as to why the cyano continues that today this question popped into my head. I might as well see where it leads.

Thanks for your time!
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