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Old 01/08/2008, 03:10 PM
RyanBrucks RyanBrucks is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Cary, NC
Posts: 338
thanks for the tips everyone.

electricians came this morning and they are wrapping up now.

Ended up getting 3 GFCI circuits.

1 GFCI controls 6 outlets (12 plugs) in the dining room.
1 GFCI controls 1 outlet in the garage, to be used for return pump
1 GFCI controls 5 outlets (10 plugs) in garage for all filtration equipment.

(I considered 2 GFCIs for dining room so closedloop was on its own, but decided the return pump on its own is plenty)

there are 2 switches in the dining room to turn off pumps for feeding. 1 controls the outlet for the closedloop sequence dart. the other controls the GFCI outlet in the garage used for the return pump. This allows me to do all feeding without going to the garage and shutting it off manually.

got plastic bubble protectors on all outlets.

actually got 3 new 20amp breakers instead of 2 added since the electrician recommended not sharing separate GFCIs on the same breaker if I absolutely wanted them not to trip at the same time. I asked about wiring parallel and he said its not a good idea. He was really puzzled why I wanted so many GFCIs until I explained the reasoning. Thoughts?

will post pics later when everything is done!