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Old 01/08/2008, 01:54 PM
Helfrich’s Chic Helfrich’s Chic is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 641
OK FOLKS here is the low down. I am pricing things out and doing a round about estimate.

$220 for a round trip flight (SW airlines) The website didnt go back to June so I just got an estimate for a weekend in May.

$240 for 3 nights in a hotel @ $80 a night. This is again a etimate, maybe more or less depending on where exactly he wants to stay.

Anything over will go for food for him while he is here. He has asked for NO compensation for his time, WHAT A GUY!

If I have any left over money from donations they will go back into the club for gift certifactes and such for raffles.

This is my plan. I will check out Pranksters when I go to the meeting this month on the 19th. I will figure out the seating then. I will likely put up a thread on all who plan to attend once it gets closer.

AS FAR AS DONATIONS GO.. we are looking at a MINIMUM total of $450. I think this is realistic. SO say we would need 40 people to donate $12.00 each! Thats TOTALLY possible with the ammount of members in this great group.

I plan to have the FENNER FUND at all the meetings up until the June meeting.

I will do a count of cash after the MAY meeting and see where we are at. If we are too far away from the Goal I WILL CHARGE ADMISSION FOR THE PRESENTATION, it will only be a small fee that I will estimate to get us to where we need to be.

I will only do an admission if we dont hit our goal by May. I think with the ammount of people in this club we will be ok, but I will have to wait and see. Thanks all!