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Old 01/08/2008, 10:36 AM
Bloke Bloke is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kansas
Posts: 265
LOL - Thanks Dustin.

I am going to have to say once again - anything I buy at the LFS is mine. Whether I put in in a 10g tank or take it home wrap it in seaweed and serve it to the neighbors, it's mine. "..throwing money down the drain." - Yeah, I do that a lot. I am horrible with buying things I later decide I don't want. Does that make me a bad person? Didn't Polonius say, "To thine own self be true"? Well, let us not forget this is a hobby to which we should find joy.

Not a 90g or 900g tank is going to provide wild fish anything close to their natural habitat. If I was in this hobby with that mindset, I would NEVER buy another fish.

As far as this system is operating, there are currently 3 tangs in the tank. The Blue Hippo, Purple, and Desjardins. All are fine, happy, and even school together. If the fish grow beyond this tank, well then that's a great reason to buy another tank.

Thanks for the good wishes and to those that lurk these forums looking for opportunities to play the enviro-friendly card, like a previous post (stevedola) mentioned, "Don't waste our time."