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Old 01/08/2008, 12:41 AM
Schwe Schwe is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Clifton Park, NY
Posts: 49
My astrea snail took a field trip to the overflow.. I kept an eye on him and luckily he just grazed on some gunk and made it out on his own.

The Goby made a burrow under a rock overnight, landscaped around it all day, then sealed it. Weirdo.

I'm thinking I need a filter sock to clear out the silt he's stirring up and then we shouldn't have a cloudy water problem.

The clowns ate a couple of Formula 1 pellets, then chewed and spit the rest out. I think they're still juveniles and it just isn't comfortable to eat even the small pellets just yet. I picked up some more frozen food today for variety. I felt uncomfortable with them just eating the brine shrimp.

Now their menu consists of:
-Brine Shrimp
-frozen Cyclopeeze
-Mysis Shrimp
-Marine Cuisine "carnivorous diet"
-Formula One
-Formula Two
-Spectrum Pellets

(the pellets are hit or miss for maybe one being eaten)

I met up with a local reefer at an LFS and got some Chaeto for my fuge and a cupful of sand from his few year old tank. Very nice guy... thank god for local clubs and charitable souls!

I've been bitten by the bug so bad, I'm breaking down my 20 planted tank and already planning on making that at least a quarantine tank.. maybe a nano. But shhhh... the bf doesn't know yet (well, I mentioned QT but not reef)

If I hadn't spent so much cash on Christmas, I would've purchased a new camera by now. Then again, my TV is paid off next month..
"[i]The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.[/i]"
-John Powell