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Old 01/07/2008, 08:11 PM
chevegan chevegan is offline
Wonder Twins ACTIVATE!
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles County,CA
Posts: 821
druluv I know people are saying otherwise but let me tell you something. Yeeaaars ago I used to keep sps under PC lighting very successfully till that tank crashed when I left town for a week and 4 snails died and were not removed. ANYHOW as numerous articles state people thing that thse corals need light from god, that is just not so. Depending on the variety some live as deep as 40ft where lighting is just before actinic or around 460nm.
I'm Disabled, poor, and married....but my brother keeps a blue tang in his 24g NC which makes him a bigger screw up than me. Everything is copasetic.

Ever been 158mph on a bike with your wife riding with you? You could tear off the dented pieces of skin with her fingerprints on them.

It's not a bike if it's not over a liter