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Old 01/07/2008, 07:12 PM
NCguy NCguy is offline
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Location: Greensboro, NC
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Originally posted by Sk8r
Yes, re the overflow: my Aqua C EV 120 is classed as either out or in sump; I have it out, but it will vomit water like crazy in a power glitch, an off/on. This clever habit has made me site it on eggcrate poised OVER my sump, so if it throws up, there is just an instant recycle.

Freeing that middle chamber of my sump gave me 20 g of room for my fuge.
I have an AquaC EV 120 that did the same thing during an off/on until i raised the outlet water pipe from the skimmer up out of the water just a little.Now it doesnt suck water back up during a restart and cause that water spew or burp.