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Old 01/07/2008, 03:37 PM
Justin74 Justin74 is offline
Moving Along
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Sacramento
Posts: 5,018
Hey Shawn, finally saw the thread
Would love to answer any questions you have.
Pros? Lower heat output/longer bulb life than PC or MH. They grow any kind of coral; more efficiently, and mercilessly
Cons? Light can prove to be too intense for some if positioned to closely; most common mistake is underestimating the intensity of these lights.

Spectrum is subjective to tastes, but have been on both ends of the spectrum regarding warmer almost 10k'sh to a cool 20k'ish look. Can't really say I noticed a difference in growth between the two, but the corals coloration was night and day. Under the warmer spectrum blues would just pop, but the overall coloration of most was fairly drab and more often than not, light. When going towards the more bluer spectrum the corals colors definately richened and all became the colors you would expect, and have never been more happy with my present ratio2:4. On my 6 bulb config I only have 2 day bulbs(15k), the rest are true actinic, blu+ and UVL's superactinic.

Proud member of M.A.R.S Marine Aquarist Rountable of Sacramento since Apr.'05