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Old 01/06/2008, 05:34 PM
shramj shramj is offline
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Location: Glendale, AZ
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The crack actually wraps around from the right side, around the corner, to the front of the tank. I will say I had it level but if I had water go exactly to the edge on the left side, I would have enough air to place maybe a 1/16th or 1/32nd of an inch on the right side but I think that may have also been because the intake to the skimmer, etc being on the right. But if that was the case, the left side would have taken more stress. I do not think a leveling problem was what caused the crack. I will call RedSea on Monday and see what they have to say. It says in the manual that the tank glass is not covered but what do I have to loose. Even AZSeaBottom believes it was a manufactors defect but who knows. Thanks everyone for your help, it was a big help and relieve knowing everyone was there to help! Ryan, I got those tubs from WalMart, they do work great. I did run up to AZSeaBottom and bought another tank, I am only using the actual tank, none of the parts. Maybe I can work something out with RedSea. AZSeaBottom also gave me some tank water so I do not have to use so much fresh water. I just checked the corals in the tub and they appear to be doing ok. I have the hood over the tub but only running the atinics.