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Old 01/05/2008, 07:28 PM
LambZero LambZero is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 8
Lighting for a 55 gallon

A little on what my situation is, I have a 55 gallon (48L 21H[seems to be 18 after rock/sand) 12W) It used to be freshwater but the oscars got to be (roomate didnt realize how big they got) and i have a 10gallon with two false percula clowns young still. I got them from my uncle cause he told me learn with a fish only tank then slowly add more complex live rock and corals as i get better with a bigger tank. My main question is Lighting and protein skimmer. this is what i have

170gph (no clue what brand was given to me) powerhead
eheim 2234 canister filter
200watt heater

for lighting i've read you need 2-6 watts per gallon at the same time i've read not to trust that theory and go with the depth of the tank. I would rather go with CL lighting instead of T5 or MH for the fact heat is an issue in my living arrangement.

i would get 2 24inch since my tank has a brace at the top in the middle. would this be adequate for corals? i dont want to have a reef tank yet but i dont want to have to upgrade later. and for a protein skimmer i was think about picking up a prism skimmer.