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Old 01/05/2008, 09:33 AM
dendro982 dendro982 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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How I found it: while non-photosynthetic corals web search leads mainly to general information and don't do it, the search for Menella and skimmer - gave that (through the illustrated croatian forum, which I don't understand). And Scleronephthya plus skimmer search - non-photosynthetic forum at Ultimate Reef (uk). You never know

The Karl's tank is interesting for me by aquascaping, possibility to have a lot of LR, even with high levels of feeding (my rock accumulated nitrates and phosphates with time, so I moved it after mechanical filtration). Also - classification of tube anemones and their keeping. I have one, and hoping to have more, if they will be compatible.

Translation: Google has Language tools (at the right from the search box), pasting url do not working for the frames, so I copied pieces of text for translation box.

Was particularly impressed by automatic translation from Japanese - the best looking tank with Dendronephthya, you know it: Japanese site and link to it from RC.