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Old 01/05/2008, 08:17 AM
Nina51 Nina51 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: 5th floor, Illinois
Posts: 138
brother should go straight to the courthouse and file a petition for an emergency order of protection (obviously, it can't be done till monday). in some states, it's called a restraining order. he doesn't need a lawyer for this. if he has anyone who can go with him to back up his claims, all the better.

he should ask for supervised visitation. it sounds like she should not be left alone with the kids. if an emergency OP is granted, the court will select a third party to supervise the visits. this can be a relative or a friend.

the emergency OP would be in effect for a couple of weeks until a hearing takes place for what is called a plenary OP. that is the "permanent" OP that usually stays in effect for two years.

the court will not look kindly on the fact that she is blasting him in front of the kids. most parenting agreements that are incorporated into divorce judgments have specific paragraphs that state that sort of thing is not to be done.
of all the things i've lost, i miss my gary the most.