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Old 01/04/2008, 10:30 PM
geoxman geoxman is offline
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I would like some updates! There have been quite a few people that have started. Please be particulate in your observations, plus or minus. All info will help and the more detail the better.

Puffer is going to start an excell spread sheet on tank size, amount dosed, time frame, time dosed, inhabitants, type of c used, chemistry fluctuations-with type of C, tank age and end results.
She has never told me this but I know she will start as soon as enough of us nag her to do so.

You have my permission to PM her on the spreadsheet and in return I will mail out my publisher clearing house sweepstakes. It is in your best interest and if Ed knocks at my door I will buy vitamin C for everyone!!!!!
"without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible"