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Old 01/04/2008, 08:37 PM
AcroSteve AcroSteve is offline
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Wacko sister-in-law. Legal advice?

The wife's brother is getting a divorce. The chick is loony. He has the kids, she has the house and gets them 3hrs a day - 3 times a week.

Kids don't really miss her much, and she does feed them negative things about their father. They are about 3 and 1.

Miss loony tunes has a history of mental instability - possibly staged, but partly due to the way she was raised. She HATES my sister, though she only met her on a couple of occasions. And would take it out on my BIL(brother-in-law) in the car in front of the kids after they left my house. Just and example.

He is still making house payments. Transfer of kids used to be that the BIL and a witness would drop off and pick up from the house. Now it takes place at the sheriff's office. This was decided by the BIL and his family doe to some false claims by the mother of the children.

Loony tunes had a probable arson on her home when she was the only one there. She set fire to her own drapes with a staged candle. She has also called the sheriff several times with false complaints about BIL.

Loony female dog has filed complaints about harassments and threats that are false. BIL has a pretty good position at a state pen. These types of accusations will cause problems with his job. Local Sheriff has the paper's to serve BIL in regards to the female dog's complaints. But basically knows when BIL is at work, and comes during this time as to delay the serving of the papers. We feel because they know she is waco and the claim is groundless.

These are civil complaints, not criminal. But some of the actions she is accusing of would be criminal.

The timing of the complaints are highly suspicious as it took place the day after the BIL removed his clothes and some personal belongings from the house.

BIL's lawyer does not seem to be on top of things, but it is a small town and pickins are slim. Besides, BIL is in deep already with the bill.

How can she have so much power? I can see protecting women if they need it, but this just isn't fair.
Get crazy with the cheez whiz...

I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time
Give it right back to you....One of these days

Last edited by AcroSteve; 01/04/2008 at 08:42 PM.