Thread: ICH Help
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Old 01/04/2008, 01:42 PM
rustybucket145 rustybucket145 is offline
Nightime Tank Cleanin'
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: valdosta, ga
Posts: 3,436
Go to the local pharmacy and get Garlic Gel Tabs. Pop them open on Sheets of nori and/or any food you feed, let it soak in for a few minutes, then feed it to your fish. Do this EVERY time you feed for the next couple weeks, then cut it back to twice a week. You should see the ich start to disappear after a couple of days.

I've seen this treatment work wonders several times. It's cheap, the garlic only cost around $5/bottle and a bottle will last well over what you need.

On a side note.... two tangs is pushing it for fish capacity for a 55gal, adding more big fish like angels and you're going to be teetering on a very fine line and will likely be plagued with problems, illness and generally unhealthy fish. Also, many angels require VERY specific foods, be sure to fully research the fish you intend on buying.... DON'T take your LFS's word for it..... think about it... they've already got your for a couple hundred dollars of fish and a bottle of useless ich medicine that has likely killed your anemone. Why would you trust them?? If you continue down the road you're headed you're gonna be their star customer.
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