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Old 01/04/2008, 11:03 AM
hporras hporras is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: El Paso, TX
Posts: 5
Thanks. I just tested the water yesterday and my ammonia is at 8.0, Nitrite at 5.0, Nitrate at 0, pH at 7.8, and specific gravity at 1.024. Therefore it still needs a way to go in order to finish cycling. Should the fuge be set up while the tank is still cycling?

As much as I have read, some guidance you can only get from those that do and not just teach. Although the marine aquarium book industry is probably enjoying a spike in sales recently.

I was thinking of initially setting up the tank with crabs and snails, and then corals and leaving the fish for later as they probably create a heavier load on the system. I can live with only algae and invertebrates for while.

Do Percula Clowns change sex? My 6 yr. old son has already requested Nemo. When I start stocking fish I was thinking of getting all pairs. Not necessarily because I wish to breed but just from a Noah’s Ark aesthetic point of view. Any suggestions as to dealers that can provide pairs with relative gender accuracy. I am not too sure how accurate I would be checking under the skirts.

It is not noticeable in the picture but I set up three arches/coves. The light reaches most spots pretty well with the exception of one spot behind the T shaped rock in the front center and the back obviously. Those remain pretty much in the dark all the time. Even though I have yet to stock a single thing I do find myself checking out the reef tank from all angles. I drove my wife nuts with all the rock rearranging. If it is not necessary then I can shut off the actinic light for now.

This much fun and not yet a single fish. Just a bucket load of money. As a friend of mine once told me “Toys will usurp fiscal responsibility anytime.”